Karen Slikas Barber


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Adult learners Easy reading bootcamp a la Bamford, Day, Nation and Barber more

Wed, Aug 9, 16:15-17:35 Asia/Makassar

Extensive reading, that is reading whereby 98% of the words are known, is an important fluency activity yet it is not often done as a weekly classroom activity. With the benefits of extensive reading well-known, it is a ‘must-do’ classroom activity. Because it looks and feels so different from most classroom reading activities, students require training in it if they are to be successful. Perhaps particularly so for learners who have never read for pleasure. So whip yourself into ‘easy-reading’ shape by attending this workshop which will involve visualisation, pair work, group work, and a bit of drama – in every possible sense of the word. Athletic shoes and gym shorts are not required, however, caution is advised as this workshop is not for the faint-hearted nor those opposed to saleswomanship. All those who manage to finish the workshop will receive ‘unbelievable’ freebies! Can you meet the challenge?

Karen Slikas Barber