Rajasekaran Venkatraman

VIT University Chennai Campus


To know me visit www.drvraj.com


College and University Reading magazines for vocabulary improvement at the tertiary level more

Tue, Aug 8, 09:00-09:35 Asia/Makassar

Vocabulary is a critical component of effective communication and is essential for expressing thoughts, ideas, and feelings in a clear and concise manner. Reading magazines offers a number of benefits for vocabulary development, including exposure to a wide range of topics and genres, and the use of engaging and accessible language. This study attempts to understand the impact of extensive reading in vocabulary improvement through reading monthly magazines. 30 B Tech students at VIT University in Chennai, India participated in this study. Participants read monthly magazines regularly and a questionnaire was developed to asses the impact of reading magazines on participants’ vocabulary improvement. After quantitative analysis of the data, it was found that the participants who read magazines had better vocabulary skills than other group. The results were confirmed with qualitative data through semi-structured interviews with select participants. The participants opined that reading magazines had drastically improved their vocabulary especially due to encountering new words in every reading that had forced them to learn the meaning of words which resulted in a better grasp of vocabulary knowledge. Active reading, which involves actively looking for new words and phrases and making an effort to understand their meaning, is key to maximizing the benefits of reading magazines. Magazines can provide a valuable source of language development and enrichment, and are a valuable tool for anyone looking to expand their vocabulary and improve their communication skills. The analysis of the project will be presented at the conference.

Rajasekaran Venkatraman