Kevin Maher


University of Macau


All levels "Reading Circles" for collaborative reading comprehension more

Wed, Aug 9, 14:30-15:05 Asia/Makassar

While extensive reading serves multiple purposes, many students benefit from a more collaborative discussion with their peers through the form of ‘Reading Circles,’ or ‘Literature Circles’. This type of directed discussion guided by an instructor can give students a deeper perspective of the linguistic and cultural side of a target language. This presentation will discuss the pedagogy behind this classroom activity with a focus on collaborative learning, critical thinking, and student research. First, the teacher’s role will be discussed as they set up a reading circle including assigning ‘role-work’ for students before reading. Additionally, how can teachers assess both the work and participation that students do throughout the activity? Regarding role-work, students will have a specific focus which may involve highlighting passages, examining idioms, focusing on the plot, looking at characters, studying phrasal verbs, or discovering new vocabulary that they will discuss with their peers. This session will share all aspects of the ‘Reading Circle’ variabilities so that teachers can try it for themselves in their respective classrooms.

Kevin Maher