Adil Bentahar

The University of Delaware, U.S.A.


Dr. Adil Bentahar is an Assistant Professor of ESL at the English Language Institute, University of Delaware, USA. His research interests include L2 reading, teacher professional development, and international students’ experiences. His current research examines teachers’ perceptions of reading instruction in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in university-based intensive English programs and in Morocco. Email:; Website:


College and University Forging strong reading-speaking-thinking foundations through ER more

Thu, Aug 10, 13:45-14:20 Asia/Makassar

To many scholars (e.g., Hu & Nation, 2000), extensive reading (ER) helps readers develop robust vocabulary, acquire a strong writing and grammar foundation, and build key connections with academic disciplines such as the sciences, goals that numerous international students hope to achieve in intensive English programs (IEPs). To foster learner autonomy and reflective practice, effective L2 reading instruction must rely on metacognition, or thinking about thinking (Chick, 2013). Many college instructors, however, continue to deviate from the true essence of ER by overemphasizing quizzes, teacher-selected books, and detailed reading logs (Bentahar & Cranker, 2021). These practices both contradict the essence of ER and seem to deprive L2 readers of key opportunities for integrating speaking and thinking into the ER experience. In this session, the presenter will share proven classroom-based ER activities that 1) build upon IEP students’ preferences and 2) cement the reading-speaking-thinking connection in the language classroom.

Adil Bentahar