Dung Le


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Younger learners Using advertisements in learning English in EFL classroom more

Thu, Aug 10, 13:25-14:45 Asia/Makassar

Advertising is one of the most effective and efficient forms of outbound media. Teaching extended reading via advertisements is one of the ways to improve students' reading skills. It is a fact that advertisements are usually incomplete information containing words, phrases, derivations and even symbols. However, advertisements do not have well- grammatical structures, they contain data which carries meaning. This study attempts to provide advertisements’ benefits for students reading skill. While using advertisements, the author gave a model to the learners to transfer the data in the advertisements into a complete non- extract information. The researcher used experimental method to evaluate students’ learning results in speaking and writing skills. A pre-test, post-test and a survey were collected from two classes (Experiment class and control class) to determine how the implementation of the techniques impacted on students’ learning results. The results showed that the use of advertisements brought positive changes in students’ language competences.

Dung Le

School Applying English poetry to improve extensive reading more

Wed, Aug 9, 10:10-11:30 Asia/Makassar

Poetry plays an important role in achieving the objectives of extensive reading teaching. However, English poetry teaching is less satisfactory in extensive reading teaching due to learners’ attitudes, traditional teaching methods, and so on. Thus, the author studied the benefits of using English poetry to extensive reading teaching from two aspects: the characteristics of English poetry and the functions of English poetry in extensive reading teaching. The data is collected by a pre- test, post- test and survey methods. The author findings show that a total of 21 of the 30 participants ( 70%) gave survey with positive result. In the end, this researcher put forward some suggestions for how the teacher appropriately makes use of English poetry in extensive reading teaching. Keywords: poetry, extensive reading , characteristics of English poetry, benefits

Dung Le