Dewi L. Apriliyanti

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Dewi L. Apriliyanti is a lecturer in English Education Study Program at IKIP Siliwangi. Currently, She is continuing her study in the doctoral program of Language and Literature Education at State University of Surabaya. Her research interests are in language education, teacher training, literacy, and program evaluation.


College and University Students' reading preferences and reflections: From pleasure to meaningful more

Tue, Aug 8, 16:00-16:35 Asia/Makassar

Learning reading is sometimes a scourge for students from Gen-Z, especially in the post-covid-19 situation where the learning process is still limited. This presentation examines students' preferences and reflections on reading courses. A survey-questionnaire and interviews were conducted using a sequential explanatory design. 99 respondents Indonesian students participated in this study. This study revealed five findings regarding students' preferences toward their reading activities which cover reading book genres and resources that they prefer. Moreover, reflections covering students' reading awareness and their expectations of reading courses are elaborated in this presentation. This study's findings offer recommendations for teachers in organizing reading courses, demonstrating that learning to read entails not only theoretically learning several reading strategies, but also practicing them to improve their ability to fully understand the context of reading pleasantly and realizing that learning reading is more than just reading and answering reading questions.

Dewi L. Apriliyanti