Shunsuke Tanemura

Kinjo Gakuin University


For almost 20 years, I have been incorporating extensive reading into my English classes and still enjoy the wonderful experience it brings to both my students and myself. I look forward to further exploring its effectiveness and benefits on both the cognitive and affective aspects in the future.


College and University Flow experience in ER instruction for Japanese learners of English more

Tue, Aug 8, 16:45-17:20 Asia/Makassar

Studies (Kirchhoff, 2013; Arai, 2022) show that English learners experience "flow" (Csiksentmihalyi, 1990) during extensive reading (ER), but positive effects on performance have not been confirmed. This study addressed three questions: (1) whether learners experience flow in in-class ER, (2), whether learners who do engage in more out-of-class reading than those who do not, and (3) how reading attitude (RA) (Yamashita, 2007) of learners who do differs from those who do not. Of the 31 participants in this study, eight experienced flow, and the average number of words and time spent on out-of-class ER was higher for them compared to those who did not. Additionally, those who experienced flow had higher average values for several components of RA. Further research is needed to determine whether experiencing flow during in-class ER enhances out-of-class ER performance. Additionally, more investigation is required to identify the components of RA that facilitate flow in ER.

Shunsuke Tanemura