Jeong-Suk PARK



Jeong-Suk PARK is a teacher, researcher of Extensive Reading in S. Korea. She runs PERA, an English private reading academy in Jinju, S. Korea, specializing in Extensive reading and listening. She has taught young learners of English for many years as well as university students and English teachers at teacher training programs. She was an international juror for the Language Learner Literature Awards, and currently she is a board member of the Extensive Reading Foundation. Her doctoral dissertation is 'The Effects of Repeated Storybook Reading on the Language Develpment of Young EFL Learners.


Younger learners How can ER teachers improve reluctant readers' reading skill? more

Tue, Aug 8, 09:45-10:20 Asia/Makassar

As an ER teacher, I often see poor readers in my reading classes. Some learn and develop their reading skills by way of reading multiple books, but it’s also common to spot slow or reluctant learners of English in ER class. Their reading level doesn't change over time or sometimes it seems regressive. Their typical reading trait is they do not bother to learn unknown words or phrases; they are just skimming through a book without adequately understanding it. Over many years of ER teaching experience, the presenter tried to find a solution to fix the problem. The presenter wants students to get over their reading hurdles, bringing back on the virtuous reading cycle. What the presenter found effective for those learners is dropping their reading level, by using Level Down Reading (LDR). Teachers arbitrarily lower the reading level of the student in trouble with reading. LDR is implemented if necessary at some intervals until the student reaches to the point where they can get over her reading hurdles. This presentation is based on the observation of young Korean learners of English who learn English through extensive and intensive reading. It tries to give some insight to ER teachers who have trouble with reluctant learners. It also demonstrates how LDR works with poor readers and makes them to be more confident and better readers.

Jeong-Suk PARK

Younger learners Workshop for Kids in Extensive Reading and Extensive Listening more

Tue, Aug 8, 16:45-18:05 Asia/Makassar

This workshop aims to demonstrate particular ways children can learn English through extensive reading and listening. As Dr. David Hill mentioned in the first ERWC, language cannot be effectively learned without going through ER and EL. The learning process can be expedited by using a variety of techniques in both ER and EL. These techniques are especially important for young beginner learners with shorter attention spans. This workshop shows how making story-maps, and, collaterally, illustrating flashcards, playing word games and solving word puzzles, with accompanying reading-aloud presentations, make the learning process easier for the learners because it involves the use of senses, physical actions, and play. In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to create story-maps with Dr. Park, and flash cards and related items with Dr. Takase, and practice how to use them effectively.

Jeong-Suk PARK Atsuko Takase