Dilfuza Karimova


I am an EFL instructor wit more than 20 years of experience in high school. I was always interested in developing students critical thinking skills in EFL lessons. However, in 2019 I join Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program which refocused my interest into developing literacy in early grader. Since then I am working on creating teaching and learning materials for primary school children.


School Raising self-awareness of girls through extensive reading materials more

Wed, Aug 9, 10:30-11:05 Asia/Makassar

Due to increasing number of sexual abuses and discrimination gender education is turning to critical issue in the Uzbekistani context [1]. However, it is not covered by school curriculums. And, the reasons vary. Some families misunderstand the term while educational authorities claim that “gender education should be included into education system starting from preschool ages…”[2]. Here, ER materials can stand as abuse prevention program to teach young girls on recognizing, avoiding, and reacting on any type of abuse. This study was conducted to evaluate the impact and highlight the role of ER in schoolgirls social-emotional learning (SEL). The presentation will outline the research findings based on pre- and post-intervention surveys and interviews administered to 20 primary schoolgirls. The findings indicate the ER intervention raised girls’ self-awareness and decision-making skills. The audience will learn the research findings and be equipped with strategies for implementing SEL-focused tasks into ER programs at schools.

Dilfuza Karimova