Toru Matsuo


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College and University Managing an online ER program at a Japanese private university more

Wed, Aug 9, 09:45-10:20 Asia/Makassar

This presentation will focus on implementing and maintaining an online extensive reading (ER) program using Xreading in a private Japanese women's junior college and university. The program is designed to increase reading fluency and is part of all compulsory first-year reading (4) and four skill (5) classes. Reading is done outside class time, and students must read 180,000 words to achieve the maximum score, comprising 10% of the total course grade. The presenter will discuss the different approaches of specific teachers and challenges in online ER. In addition, the results of a questionnaire administered last year to 81 first-year students (TOEIC 175 to 965, Mean = 466.49) to evaluate the program will be shared, highlighting the perceived benefits of ER, such as vocabulary acquisition and reading fluency. Additionally, students' attitudes and engagement with ER, as well as the impact of teacher practice and quizzes on motivation, will be discussed.

Toru Matsuo