Noriko Kanai

Miyagi University


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College and University Self-regulated learning in EFL extensive reading more

Tue, Aug 8, 14:00-15:20 Asia/Makassar

This is a practice-based ER report at a 2-year college in Japan. Self-regulated learning was introduced to build students’ reading habits. During the initial four months, an instructor monitored their learning, employing a monthly self-reflection sheet to record the number of words read, their reading habit, and their next target. During the following semester, students read autonomously with the target number of words, which was also a requisite for their credit. The semi-structured interviews were conducted after each semester. The results illustrate that those who have kept reading for a year did not focus on the target number and credit, whereas those who mainly aimed to reach the target number stopped reading when they reached the goal. This study suggests that a longer-term intervention from an instructor is necessary for students at the remedial learning stage, and the semester goal should be set per their reading proficiency.

Noriko Kanai