Noriko Hanabusa

Univ. of Notre Dame


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All levels How to cultivate learners’ autonomy and creativity in Japanese ER courses more

Tue, Aug 8, 17:30-18:05 Asia/Makassar

The presenter has been conducting standalone Japanese ER courses in a U.S. university for the past nine years. In addition to in-class individual reading activities and book chats, the presenter incorporates semester-final projects in order to connect input to output. The projects and presentations also provide opportunities for learners to share their outcomes with their classmates. As ER itself is learner-initiated, the instructor tries to let learners control their own learning, including project presentations; therefore, topics and formats are completely free. Learners have created variety of unique products, including picture books, online games, and songs, to name a few. Many of the works reflect sentence patterns and writing styles that learners have naturally acquired through their individual reading. The presenter will showcase students’ products and examine how their ER experience influenced their works. Furthermore, the instructor’s role in cultivating creativity and autonomy will be discussed.

Noriko Hanabusa