Amalia Rachmawati

MTsN 5 Trenggalek


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School Developing digital library “Komulit” application using Kodular more

Thu, Aug 10, 14:30-15:05 Asia/Makassar

In the current age of massive digital development, we have to face the fact that our students are more engaged with their smartphones than books. However, some schools have no facilities to provide digital reading sources while they also lack paper book collections. This makes students feel less motivated to visit the library and read. The aim of this study was to develop a library application to provide students with various reading resources and enrich the school library’s book collection. This study employed analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate (ADDIE) methods. It involved 12 schools and 40 junior high school students, and a needs analysis was conducted using a questionnaire. For the design and development phase it used an online platform called Kodular to create the digital library. The result of this study was to produce an android application called Digilib Komulit that can unite and access various reading source websites through one application. Moreover, the participants feel more engaged in reading using digital library application rather than printed books.

Amalia Rachmawati