Raju Lingala


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All levels Reading habits of Telugu celebrities more

Thu, Aug 10, 10:30-11:05 Asia/Makassar

This presentation is to examine Reading habits among the Telugu speaking great personalities not only from the states of Andhrapradesh and Telangana but also around the world. First, and foremost the presenter identifies Telugu speaking great personalities with the help of newspapers and social media. In order to collect data and their opinions the presenter used interviews and a questionnaire. These professionals, politicians, religious leaders, businessmen, writers, actors, sport stars, and high ranking officials have the potential to influence thousands of people. The presenter feels that these people became great thinkers, innovators, writers, and leaders because of their reading habits and would like to bring their success stories to the people of Telugu. These days our children and adults are addicted to digital gadgets and when they look up to these celebrities they may be inspired to read because the most successful and well known people see books as the gateway to knowledge and credit reading as one of the factors of their achievements. The presenter would also like to bring awareness among the people regarding reading habits from childhood because, as Green (2000) mentions, 'Reading habit is best formed at a young impressionable age in school, but once formed it can last one's life time.'

Raju Lingala

All levels Narayanapur village reading program more

Wed, Aug 9, 09:45-10:20 Asia/Makassar

This practical presentation mainly determines the impact of the village reading program at Narayanapur village from Telangana, India. The "Village Reading Program" is aimed to train 100 students selected from our village for 10 days by conducting a pretest in order to support 100 struggling readers also selected from same village. These trained students visit 797 homes in our village to motivate them to start and create a reading culture among the villagers. We distribute a free book to start a family library because people are not aware of reading. Even though we have a small library in our village, people are not going to visit it so the free book distribution helps them to start reading at home.These hundred students each visit around 8 families to distribute books and to assess their reading. The presenter believes these activities help our villagers and students to inculcate the habit of reading. As the saying goes, "It takes a village to raise a child." This program addresses the need of reading among the students and adults of our village and helps students attain grade level proficiency.

Raju Lingala