Kazuko OGAWA

NPO Tadoku Supporters, Japan


Kazuko Ogawa is a directer of NPO Tadoku Supporters. NPO Tadoku Supporters is a Japanese non-profit organization dedicated to the research and promotion of Extensive Reading as a way of acquring foreign languages.


Adult learners Extensive reading in adulthood: transforming learners' mindsets more

Thu, Aug 10, 16:15-16:50 Asia/Makassar

Learning English in Japan has long been closely associated with preparations for university entrance exams. Believing rote learning to be the best and shortest way to obtain good exam scores, English teachers in Japan tend to encourage students to focus on memorization through repetition. Consequently, students who have difficulty with rote memorization may develop negative feelings towards English language learning during their secondary school education. The presenter designed a three-month online extensive reading course for adult English learners aimed at mitigating their anxiety regarding English as well as supporting them to be confident readers. The structure of and the principles behind the course design will be presented. Based on collected learner feedback, rigid mindsets, such as seeking the ‘correct’ reading comprehension, transformed into more relaxed attitudes toward English through, most notably, their shared reading experience with other course participants.

Kazuko OGAWA