Harumi Suga

Teikyo University Utsunomiya Campus


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College and University An e-book extensive reading program applying the principle of competition more

Wed, Aug 9, 10:30-11:05 Asia/Makassar

This study was conducted to examine how EFL university students in Japan would be motivated in an e-book extensive reading (ER) program with the principle of competition. By the frequent distribution of an anonymous progress chart of the class on the word counts, the participants were encouraged to engage in ER on a virtual library website approximately for 30 minutes in class and 30 minutes outside class per week for one semester. The attached comprehension quizzes on the website were required to prevent cheating. They also spent half of the class time working on the textbooks designed for developing four skills of English language. Standardized online proficiency tests were given at the beginning and the end of the program. The results showed that the average reading score improved with statistical significance, which was equivalent to the increase in the estimated TOEIC reading score.

Harumi Suga