Atsuko Takase

Iwano Private English School


Atsuko Takase is a teacher at Iwano Private English School in Japan. She received an Ed.D. in TESOL. Her research interests include extensive reading /listening (ER/EL), motivation to ER/EL, and language acquisition through ER/EL. After having practiced ER/EL at high schools and universities for 30 years, she is now practicing ER/EL on students at various age groups such as children (aged 9 to 11), junior and senior high school students, and adults.


Younger learners The effects of ER on university students versus younger learners. more

Wed, Aug 9, 10:30-11:05 Asia/Makassar

This study compares the effects of Extensive Reading (ER) on university students’ and younger learners’ English proficiency. Although ER is recognized as one of the best methods to improve learners’ English proficiency, many Japanese universities limit its practice to one academic year. In this study, twelve students aged 9 to 11 started ER using easy English picture books and Graded Readers over 3 to 4 years. After reading approximately 250 – 300 books, the presenter implemented grammar lessons in addition to ER. Then, the Edinburgh Project on Extensive Reading Placement/Progress Test (EPER PPT) was administered. These tests show that younger learners who practiced ER for several years had better results. The presenter postulates that the implementation of ER earlier in the formal English education process and practice for a longer duration would greatly benefit learner’s progress in English.

Atsuko Takase

Younger learners Workshop for Kids in Extensive Reading and Extensive Listening more

Tue, Aug 8, 16:45-18:05 Asia/Makassar

This workshop aims to demonstrate particular ways children can learn English through extensive reading and listening. As Dr. David Hill mentioned in the first ERWC, language cannot be effectively learned without going through ER and EL. The learning process can be expedited by using a variety of techniques in both ER and EL. These techniques are especially important for young beginner learners with shorter attention spans. This workshop shows how making story-maps, and, collaterally, illustrating flashcards, playing word games and solving word puzzles, with accompanying reading-aloud presentations, make the learning process easier for the learners because it involves the use of senses, physical actions, and play. In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to create story-maps with Dr. Park, and flash cards and related items with Dr. Takase, and practice how to use them effectively.

Jeong-Suk PARK Atsuko Takase

All levels The big ER debate: Paper books are better than digital books more

Wed, Aug 9, 14:30-15:05 Asia/Makassar

Listen to a debate about ebooks and paper books. You can help decide the winner.

Rob Waring Wendy M. Gough Sam Murchie HO LE THANH PHUONG Daniel Holt Atsuko Takase Mark Brierley