Catriona Chalmers



Catriona is the editor of XReading News. She has also co-written, and co-edited graded readers for Global Issues Narratives, published by Abax Japan. And has written for Halico's 10 Ways series. She is based in Japan.


All levels Where can you find COVID, Ukraine, BTS and chatty mushrooms? more

Tue, Aug 8, 10:30-11:05 Asia/Makassar

In this talk, the presenters will discuss Xreading News. This is an exciting feature of Xreading launched in April 2022. Xreading News offers real news stories each week achieving two main goals; 1- to expose students to current affairs, and 2- to expose students to more English. Five news stories from around the world, from a wide range of fields, such as Science, Technology, the Environment, and World News, are produced in graded language and uploaded to Xreading every Sunday. But how do writers select their stories? Why are some stories more suitable for Xreading News than others? Why are Ukraine and chatty mushrooms suitable and Roe Vs Wade is not? The presenters will talk about their experiences choosing, writing, and leveling real news stories. We will also look at the changes made from an original submission to a published entry and discuss why the editing decisions were made.

Catriona Chalmers Rick Romanko Paul Goldberg Rob Waring

All levels Mining for Stories more

Wed, Aug 9, 16:15-17:35 Asia/Makassar

The presenters will discuss the process of writing narratives based on real-world issues. The focus will be on how the stories come into being, how they are mined, refined, and then redefined into graded readers. We will briefly describe the collaborative process from story development and editing, working with the authors and publisher, and some of the challenges in getting the readers into print. In the second half of the workshop, we will take a look at a new series in development focusing on content that we would like to share with our learners, stories that matter such as unsung heroines, marginalized groups, and people improving the lives of others. While the aim has always been to provide broader perspectives on global topics, we also want to create engaging, light-hearted content that does not compromise our efforts to leave our readers with the sense of humanity we crave in society.

Ann Mayeda Catriona Chalmers