Amanda Mashima

University of Shiga Prefecture


Originally from the US, I am based in Shiga, Japan where I teach university courses on English language and Japanese culture. I have my MA in TESOL from Temple University Japan. My research interests are in vocabulary, corpus linguistics, and extensive reading.


College and University A story of two classes: Adapting the new ER textbook Links for ‘retakers’ more

Tue, Aug 8, 17:30-18:05 Asia/Makassar

"Links" is a new four skills textbook with a built-in ER component through Xreading. This presentation compares the experience of students and teacher in the implementation of Links in two classroom settings: An intact class of mainstream students and a class of so-called ‘retaker’ students who have failed the course at least once before. Classes of retakers often require special considerations because of their previous negative learning experiences in English classes in particular and or anxieties in educational settings in general. Thus, retaker and mainstream classes will be compared qualitatively on affective and motivational measures, such as willingness to complete extensive reading and attitudes toward extensive reading, as well as quantitatively on performance measures, such as amount of reading and reading speed. Finally, I will present observations, successes, and challenges of adapting Links to each of the classes from an instructor’s perspective.

Amanda Mashima