Zelvia Dina Octavianti


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Adult learners Implementing ER for vocational high school students through literacy cloud more

Tue, Aug 8, 16:00-16:35 Asia/Makassar

Literacy Cloud is a free digital storybook that can be used by teachers to engage learners in developing skills and habits of reading. This presentation examines the implementation of extensive reading (ER) using Literacy Cloud as mobile English learning and their perceptions of this implementation. Forty-five EFL students in 3rd-grade vocational high schools participated in this study. They had no experience in ER and did not have experience using Literacy Cloud before, so Literacy Cloud was introduced to support the ER program. Then, questionnaires and interviews were given to find out their experiences using Literacy Cloud in the ER class. The results showed that they have positive attitudes and perceptions about Literacy Cloud, and they revealed that it was very useful for supporting their English skills, especially reading skills. This study suggests that English teachers should consider ER to be implemented in language learning, it is advisable to integrate it with technologies such as Literacy Cloud because it provides many benefits for the development of students' reading skills.

Nanin Verina Widya Putri Zelvia Dina Octavianti