Nurul Hikmah


Nurul Hikmah lives in Yogyakarta. Currently, she works as a facilitator in an alternative learning community that focused on language, cultural, and environmental learning. She teaches and assists children in learning where extensive reading is also implemented as part of the learning activity. She loves books since she was little. Her first encounter with books was when she was introduced to a children's magazine called Bobo. Since then, books became a part of her learning journey. Therefore, she was excited when she got the opportunity to learn and write children book. Ndherek Langkung is her first children book which was written in Javanese, one of indigenous languages in Indonesia. The book was written based on her childhood experience.


Younger learners Authentic projects to increase student motivation and autonomy in ER class more

Wed, Aug 9, 17:00-17:35 Asia/Makassar

Adolescence is a phase where rapid physical growth with intense hormonal activity takes place. It may lead to diminishing energy to concentrate in academic works. Therefore, even though structured academic learning is difficult to overcome, collaborative works and peer-interaction which enable them to explore their future-role in the society are of their interest. On the other hand, extensive reading activities tend to be individual which are not in line with adolescence’s characteristics. Thus, we conducted authentic projects to bridge it. The project was conducted in a private junior high school in Yogyakarta. A group of 15 middle-grade students aged 12-15 years old participated for 7 months duration. They’ve performed several group-chosen authentic projects, such as: book-procurement, performance, and social-media project. This presentation would also discuss about the success, obstacles, achievement, student’s point of view, and our analysis on its effectiveness. The data are collected and analyzed qualitatively.

Yulia Loekito Nurul Hikmah Margarita Riana