Havva Kurt Taşpınar


Dr Havva Kurt Taşpınar has been teaching English since 2000, she has mostly taught at tertiary level. She has also served in many leading roles. She received her BA from Anadolu University in English Language Teaching (ELT), her MA from İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, and her PhD in ELT from Dokuz Eylül University. Her MA thesis was on motivation, and her dissertation was on critical literacy. Her research interests include applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, critical thinking, creative thinking, motivation, and grit in foreign language learning.


All levels Scholars speak out: Voices from the field (International) more

Tue, Aug 8, 14:15-14:50 Asia/Makassar

To promote the “extensive reading approach” worldwide, the Extensive Reading Foundation (ERF) invites teachers and scholars to apply for a scholarship in order to take part in the ERWC for their own professional development and for the future promotion of Extensive Reading in their home countries. This session features individual presentations by the 3 scholarship recipients from outside of Indonesia with an overview of the issues and challenges faced in their contexts followed by their plans for carrying forward in implementing & growing extensive reading.

Nguyen Thi Hong Ha Sibhekinkosi Anna Nkomo Havva Kurt Taşpınar Greg Rouault