
College and University Motivation Presentation

Cancelled Distraction and motivation in extensive reading: voices of English lecturers

Tue, Aug 8, 14:15-14:50 Asia/Makassar

Location: Sanghyang 2

Being aware of the importance of extensive reading (ER), lecturers of English at a university in Vietnam has set a goal of keeping a routine of reading for their own professional development. However, they are often distracted by several factors and therefore find it hard to find the time to read. What are those factors and in what ways can they develop their motivation to maintain a good routine of extensive reading? The study aimed at answering those questions. The participants consisted of seven lecturers from Foreign Language Department at a university in Vietnam. Narrative inquiry was implemented to conduct the research to collect data from the lecturers’ stories. The results show that lecturers of English are overwhelmed with workload, family matters and social issues which distract them from their reading. They have their own ways to self-motivate and keep their ER routine. The findings conclude with a discussion and some pedagogical implications for professional development with regard to ER for busy and distracted university teachers in Vietnam.

  • Dang Thi Nguyen

    I have been teaching English for about 15 years and I am really into teaching. Currently I work as a lecturer at Vinh university in Vietnam. I hope to learn and share with other teachers and researchers from different corners of the world.