
College and University Fluency and Speed Presentation

An exploration of Indonesian EFL students’ flow and extensive reading

Tue, Aug 8, 14:15-14:50 Asia/Makassar

Location: Silang Jana 3

This research project investigated the students’ flow experience (FE) when reading extensively and conditions that enabled their FE. The participants were 36 Indonesian university students who studied at an English department and enrolled in two reading classes. They read extensively and individually chose books which were available in X-Reading. The data of this study were collected by distributing surveys and observing students’ ER. The findings showed that when reading extensively, the students did experience flow and it happened mostly due to their interest in their reading material. In general, the students read more in the second semester than in the first semester. Although students read more words in the second semester, the correlation between FE and the sum of words that the students read was weak. The goal condition of FE was also found as the lowest variable in both semesters. The findings indicated the importance of guiding students to set their weekly goal and motivate their ER practice to facilitate opportunities for FE and increase the quality of their language learning.

  • Fenty Lidya Siregar

    Fenty is a senior English teacher at Maranatha Christian University. Currently she is the chair of Indonesian Extensive Reading Indonesia.