
College and University Fluency and Speed Presentation

How do three modes of extensive reading affect learner vocabulary size and reading rate?

Tue, Aug 8, 17:30-18:05 Asia/Makassar

Location: Silang Jana 3

Previous Extensive Reading (ER) studies almost exclusively focus on English language learners and tend to be limited by their lack of control over how the ER treatment is conducted and assessed. Furthermore, studies that investigate the possible effects of different styles of ER, including Extensive Listening (EL) and Audio-assisted Extensive Reading (AER), are few. The goal of this study was to investigate the possible effects of monitored ER, EL, and AER on the vocabulary acquisition, reading rate, and comprehension of learners of Japanese as a foreign language (JFL). Using an experimental design, data collection for the second year of this three-year project (currently including data from 150 elementary and intermediate JFL learners) has been completed. Current data indicate mixed results from these three modes of ER. Pedagogical implications and future directions will be discussed.