
Younger learners Younger Learners Presentation

Embracing pleasure reading: kickstarting post-COVID-19 literacy recovery

Tue, Aug 8, 09:00-09:35 Asia/Makassar

Location: Pohang 2

It is rare to hear a conversation about COVID-19 that does not include the phrase "unprecedented event.” However, by examining past disasters—specifically, ones affecting young learners—we may establish a precedent for recovery. In August 2005, the Caribbean and gulf coast regions were hammered by Hurricane Katrina. Over one million people were displaced, and thousands of children had their education interrupted during critical early learning and development stages. The educational interruptions and recovery process led to students falling behind their unaffected peers by as much as a year. COVID-19 is already showing similar impacts on student development, especially language acquisition, development, and reading. Nevertheless, a multi-faceted, extensive reading program that incorporates support for classrooms, homes, and special reading events can combat the widening literacy gap exacerbated by the years of pandemic lockdowns and slow recovery.

  • J. Jesus Hills

    Joseph is an EFL teacher, content developer, and teacher trainer. He has a bachelor’s degree in History from Guilford College, where he studied folklore and its connections and utility in society. He has taught English in South Korea for seven years, working with students of all ages. After leaving the classroom, Joseph transitioned to educational content development, where he has written textbooks and teaching materials for young learners and elementary school students. Joseph has joined e-Future this year to assist teachers in an ever-changing educational environment.