
Adult learners Learners Presentation

Lifelong learning communities through ER at a local library and online

Wed, Aug 9, 11:15-11:50 Asia/Makassar

Location: Sanghyang 2

This study explores the two language learning communities of adult language learners engaging in extensive reading in Japan: at a local library and through an online language learners' community. This qualitative study examines how a local library and an online learners’ community can support adult learners to practice extensive reading in English continuously. The data collected includes semi-structured interviews with three participants from each group who practiced extensive reading for a year, observation notes, and their reading logs. The major findings of the study suggested extensive reading helped the learners connect to each other through sharing what, how much, and how they read even though there was a gap in English proficiency among the participants in both communities. In addition, extensive reading seemed to have helped them to continue learn English using other language learning methods as well. The study suggested extensive reading could play important roles to help lifelong learning in Japan.