
College and University Teachers, Curricula and Classrooms Presentation

Literacy hERoes – Student involvement in a literacy program

Tue, Aug 8, 09:45-10:20 Asia/Makassar

Location: Sanghyang 1

Studies show that Extensive Reading (ER) helps students to improve their reading skills, vocabulary, and understanding of other cultures. However, teachers have doubts about how to conduct ER programs and students might not be familiar with ER. Hence, collaborative learning in a form of mentoring both for teachers and students, Literacy hERoes is put forward to help introduce ER. This presentation showcases the activism of Literacy hERoes who joined in the IERA Goes to School (IGS) Program in 2022. They were actively involved in the program with the support of the IGS Program Team. Using data resulting from the reflection sheets and focus group discussion sessions, we will also discuss the merits and the lessons learned along with challenges they faced in this program. As a result, these LHs can take advantage of their involvement for their future learning.