
College and University Teachers, Curricula and Classrooms Presentation

Introducing the concept of ER to English and non English teachers

Wed, Aug 9, 11:15-11:50 Asia/Makassar

Location: Sanghyang 1

Many studies have found the benefits of extensive reading (ER). However, many teachers still need to learn what ER is and its benefits. In this presentation, we will share our experience introducing ER to English and non English teachers through a workshop sponsored by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The workshop was held for three days and was attended by more than 2000 teachers from all over Indonesia. From the workshop, we learned that most participants were interested in implementing ER principles. They shared their plans on how to integrate ER into their subjects. However, they admitted that their biggest challenges are the limited time and lack of sources. This shows that implementing ER synergically at schools needs long-term commitment from teachers and school policymakers.