
All levels Teachers, Curricula and Classrooms Presentation

Indonesian teachers' attitudes towards extensive and intensive reading

Tue, Aug 8, 14:15-14:50 Asia/Makassar

Location: Sanghyang 1

It is no doubt that extensive reading (ER) and intensive reading (IR) are powerful teaching approaches that can help students develop a love of reading and overall language skills. This presentation aims to investigate teachers’ attitudes towards ER and IR through a nation-wide survey that involved 2,111 junior high school teachers of language and non-language subjects. The survey was conducted online and taken prior to a series of three-day workshops on ER and IR sponsored by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Each workshop was attended by approximately 120 teachers from different regions across Indonesia. In general, the survey results revealed that teachers demonstrated positive attitudes towards ER and IR. Moreover, a remarkably high percentage of teachers (86.8 %) believed that teaching reading was not only the responsibility of language teachers. On the other hand, only a small percentage of the respondents (1.9 %) admitted that they were knowledgeable about reading comprehension strategies, let alone teaching them to students due to inadequate training and resources. In addition, most participants (68.8%) expressed a need for professional development on how to teach reading and writing related to their subjects. The study implied that continuous training on integrating ER and IR across curriculum should be carried out.

  • Pratiwi Retnaningdyah

    Pratiwi Retnaningdyah is a lecturer at the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia. Her research interests are postcolonial literature, popular culture studies, new literacy studies, and the teaching of literature.

  • Maria Teodora Ping

    Maria Teodora Ping is currently a Lecturer at the English Department of Mulawarman University Samarinda, East Borneo, Indonesia, where she teaches such courses as Advanced Reading Comprehension, Second Language Acquisition, Academic Presentation, TEYL, Statistics and Research Methodology. She obtained her Doctor of Philosophy (Dr.phil.) degree from Technical University of Dortmund, Germany in November 2011. Her main research areas are Literacy and Reading Instruction, particularly Dialogic Reading and Extensive Reading. She is also a member of Indonesian Extensive Reading Association (IERA).

  • Fenty Lidya Siregar

    Fenty is a senior English teacher at Maranatha Christian University. Currently she is the chair of Indonesian Extensive Reading Indonesia.