
Younger learners Research-based Presentation

Cancelled Online reading and listening exam practice effectiveness for young learners

Wed, Aug 9, 17:30-18:05 Asia/Makassar

This study investigated the effectiveness of an online learning environment (OLE) to practice for reading and listening for Cambridge English language tests in a restricted post-COVID situation using additional reading and listening materials. This mixed-method, exploratory research used a convenience sample (n=100) of students aged 11 to 15 in a Cambridge exam preparation centre to see OLE's effectiveness in improving their reading and listening. WhatsApp was used as a communication tool, while Zoom-based instruction and Google form-based formative assessment were administered in the OLE. Results revealed that the OLE was a convenient way to practice using extensive reading and listening materials, despite some infrastructure and digital literacy issues. Participation was high, and the results were excellent. However, a need to improve teachers' and students' basic computer literacy was observed. Limitations such as teachers' knowledge about online teaching tools and ethics of working with online pedagogy were identified as areas for further research.

  • Chinthaka Naleen Viyangoda Gamage

    As an officer in charge of the Artificial Intelligence Research Lab at an engineering university with a master's level qualification in English language and literature, I have spent over a decade working with technology. I am a competent toastmaster with a keen interest in public speaking. I am happy to help learners, irrespective of age, with my expertise in technology-embedded teaching and learning, commitment to providing affordable services as a researcher, AI-related content writer, and proofreader and providing expert support on instructional technology and presentation.