
Younger learners Materials, Libraries and Listening Presentation

Developing bilingual digital reading material with local context theme

Tue, Aug 8, 15:00-15:35 Asia/Makassar

Location: Catur

This presentation focuses on the current findings of an ongoing case study conducted with an in-service teacher in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, concerning the challenges of developing bilingual digital reading materials with a local context theme for young learners. This study closely observed a teacher as she went through intensive training for developing digital reading materials. Afterward, a series of in-depth interviews were conducted to investigate the difficulties encountered by the teacher during the materials development process. The findings revealed that the teacher found it difficult to choose a digital platform that was simple to use while also providing adequate interactivity to facilitate the intended reading activities. The other difficulty was finding a topic that was both interesting and relevant to the curriculum in the local context. These findings highlight the importance of proper training in the development of digital reading materials and how to use them in ER contexts.

  • Maria Teodora Ping

    Maria Teodora Ping is currently a Lecturer at the English Department of Mulawarman University Samarinda, East Borneo, Indonesia, where she teaches such courses as Advanced Reading Comprehension, Second Language Acquisition, Academic Presentation, TEYL, Statistics and Research Methodology. She obtained her Doctor of Philosophy (Dr.phil.) degree from Technical University of Dortmund, Germany in November 2011. Her main research areas are Literacy and Reading Instruction, particularly Dialogic Reading and Extensive Reading. She is also a member of Indonesian Extensive Reading Association (IERA).