
Younger learners Younger Learners Presentation

Cancelled A four-step reading method to do ER outside the classroom in China

Wed, Aug 9, 16:15-16:50 Asia/Makassar

Location: Pohang 2

Doing extensive reading outside the classroom for L2 learners, especially younger learners, is not easy. When we practice an extensive reading program in China, we use four-step reading method to help Chinese families and teachers. The first step is similar to picture walk. We invite children to choose the book and read some pictures quickly in the book. The next step is to listen to a bilingual- audio. Teachers will read each book to children in detail in both Chinese and English. After that, students listen to the audio in English and read the book again. They also do 30 minutes of extensive listening every day. With the four-step reading method, we help over 200 families start to do ER at home. More and more parents and children are now joining in our ER program. Now they feel much easier to do ER at home. Because they just need to buy the books, download an app and then follow the teachers,their children can read more than 200 books by following the four-step method each year.