
College and University Practice and Strategies Poster

Cancelled Reading strategy instruction that supports ER

Tue, Aug 8, 14:00-15:20 Asia/Makassar

Location: Foyer

Better reading comprehension can lead to more reading, an important goal for any extensive reading program. Reading comprehension can be facilitated in many ways, including the promotion of strategy use by readers (Castles, Rastle, & Nation, 2018; Grabe & Stoller, 2019). This presentation will focus on a way to develop text engagement and better comprehension by teaching strategy use through annotation. Reading strategy teaching is effective (Plonsky, 2019); however, both research and anecdotal evidence show that if students are not trained explicitly in how to use strategies, many do not learn to make use of them. Annotation is one technique for teaching learners to use strategies in a systematic way. This presentation will describe how strategy use is taught through teacher modelling and then student annotation of a sample reader (following Groen, et al., 2021), and what results have been achieved with poor university readers in Japan.

  • Marcel Van Amelsvoort

    English teacher in a CLIL program. Reading teacher and ER practitioner. Skills courses teacher in an M.Ed TESOL program.