
All levels Practice and Strategies Presentation

Interaction pattern and questioning practice of the reading facilitators in group literacy sessions

Tue, Aug 8, 16:45-17:20 Asia/Makassar

Location: Silang Jana 1

The success of a group literacy program relies on at least three main factors, namely the design of the program, method of implementation, and reading facilitators. Though these factors are interconnected and complementary to one another, reading facilitators play an elemental role in facilitating the interactions to allow participants moving between stages of reading. Furthermore, they provide adequate linguistic support to the participants in grasping the meaning of the text and relating it to the context. This presentation illustrates the practice of a group of reading facilitators (RFs) who are part of a literacy initiative called Baca Asyik di Rumah Aja. It focuses on the RFs’ interaction pattern and questioning technique used in facilitating the interaction with the participants. The result indicates that the interaction patterns tend to be non-triadic. Besides, the RFs utilize question types in combination to serve different interaction purposes and at different stages of reading.