
All levels Practice-based Presentation

Cancelled Applying TBLT principles to grading in a large-scale ER program

Tue, Aug 8, 13:45-14:20 Asia/Makassar

Task-based language teaching is an approach that shares some fundamental principles with ER, which can be used to guide assessment. If we think of “Read a book” as a task, we can agree that in ER, as in TBLT: 1) meaning is primary; 2) the task relates to a real-word target activity; and 3) assessment is based on task outcome (i.e.: on having read the book). Indeed, some of the same assessment issues arise in TBLT and ER; e.g.: how to grade without negatively affecting motivation. This session presents how a university EFL program in Japan applies TBLT principles to assessing ER across its three proficiency levels. Some solutions to be shared include how to curate a library (i.e.: provide meaningful material); how to set goals that are clear and based on how people actually read (i.e.: that match real world conditions); and how to use spreadsheet data to measure outcome achievement fairly.