
All levels Practice and Strategies Presentation

How to motivate students with the help of a reading marathon

Tue, Aug 8, 17:30-18:05 Asia/Makassar

Location: Silang Jana 1

Reading is one of the skills that is challenging to develop in the language classroom. In the classroom, there are not enough materials to choose from, and not enough goals or reading data to make students see their progress. In the face of these challenges, teachers are usually at a loss to develop students reading skills in and out of the classroom setting. To find the perfect reading goal for every student in a mixed-level classroom setting, the teacher must find a library with a variety of reading materials and data-driven goals for students. A perfect example is Xreading Virtual library and a reading marathon. Each student needs to have a clear number of words or books to read in a set period of time (3-4 weeks) and the reporting system helps them to see their reading level and progress. Each week the book reading progress is reported to the whole class so that students can see not only their personal goal but also their peers' goals. By simply reporting each week, students start getting more reading done in a short amount of time. At the end of each reading marathon, students and teachers give awards to the students with most progress in their reading.

  • Sumiya Dulamtsoo

    My name is Sumiya Dulamtsoo. I am an English teacher from Mongolia. I work as an English teacher and CEO of Mongolian Extensive Reading Association. I am happy to be part of The sixth world congress on Extensive Reading Congress. The Congress will be my second Congress I have taken part of so far. Looking forward to meet you, ER-teachers and researchers.