ERWC Committee
No profileSessions
All levels Gala dinner more
Tue, Aug 8, 20:00-21:30 Asia/Tokyo
Networking and dinner. Reservation required.
All levels Great book giveaway more
Thu, Aug 10, 11:00-11:10 Asia/Tokyo
Pick up some graded readers from the collection donated to the conference.
All levels ER Q and A: Bring your questions, problems and solutions more
Thu, Aug 10, 14:00-16:50 Asia/Tokyo
Bring any questions about setting up or maintaining an ER program, or using ER in your classes. Share ideas and experience with others.
All levels ER Q and A: Bring your questions, problems and solutions more
Thu, Aug 10, 11:30-13:00 Asia/Tokyo
Bring any questions about setting up or maintaining an ER program, or using ER in your classes. Share ideas and experience with others.