Akiko Kano

Sophia University Junior College Division


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All levels Using ER, read-aloud, and speed reading in active learning EFL classrooms more

Tue, Aug 8, 16:00-16:35 Asia/Tokyo

This presentation shows examples of how extensive reading is integrated into course designs that focus on the active skills of speaking and writing. The practices showcased have been applied in college English skills classrooms in Japan and also in elementary school classrooms, sometimes with college student-instructors in a Service-Learning class design. The ER component comes from the use of level-appropriate vocabulary and the large amount of class time devoted to reading without much deliberate language teaching. We argue that extensive reading using XReading, read-aloud, and speed reading, combined with vocabulary and linked skills activities can be effective in active learning classrooms and in increasing learner confidence, motivation, and comprehension. In the college setting, success was measured by semester word count and self-reported goal achievement. In the elementary school class, schema building, pre-teaching vocabulary, an engaging worksheet, and activities sustained reading time over a large part of the session.

Maria Lupas Akiko Kano