Jackie Talken


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College and University Integrated dictionary usage during online extensive reading more

Wed, Aug 9, 09:00-09:35 Asia/Makassar

Reading strategies, particularly the ability to guess meaning from context, are valuable tools for developing vocabulary knowledge. The current research project, supported by a Japanese federal grant, is investigating how access to an integrated dictionary during ER affects learners’ usage of these reading strategies. First-year English majors use the ER application Xreading which now offers instructors the option of allowing learners to access glossary definitions while they read. At the start of the year, learners completed a survey of how often they use particular reading strategies. Using contextual clues and guessing meaning were among the strategies learners used most regularly. Pre- and post-tests were also given to determine how accurately they were able to guess meaning. Interestingly, results indicated that the experimental groups with access to the integrated dictionary showed greater gains in this ability. Later stages of this research will include replication, the addition of follow-up interviews, and the inclusion of non-English majors.

Jackie Talken

Not student-related PresentERs: Developing an inclusive space for extensive reading instructors more

Thu, Aug 10, 14:30-15:05 Asia/Makassar

This presentation outlines the evolution of the JALT ER SIG's monthly online event PresentERs. First, the different versions of the event are described, as well as how they responded to the evolving needs of our members during the pandemic. This part focuses particularly on the decision to change the focus of the event from socializing to professional development. The latter half focuses on how we developed PresentERs in the hope that other organizations can create similar online spaces for their members. This includes how we aimed to give direction to meetings while allowing for free participation, the process of recruiting people to speak at the event, and using social media to advertise and get a larger more diverse group of attendees.

Jackie Talken