
Not student-related Teachers, Curricula and Classrooms Presentation

PresentERs: Developing an inclusive space for extensive reading instructors

Thu, Aug 10, 14:30-15:05 Asia/Makassar

Location: Sanghyang 1

This presentation outlines the evolution of the JALT ER SIG's monthly online event PresentERs. First, the different versions of the event are described, as well as how they responded to the evolving needs of our members during the pandemic. This part focuses particularly on the decision to change the focus of the event from socializing to professional development. The latter half focuses on how we developed PresentERs in the hope that other organizations can create similar online spaces for their members. This includes how we aimed to give direction to meetings while allowing for free participation, the process of recruiting people to speak at the event, and using social media to advertise and get a larger more diverse group of attendees.

Thank you for your interest in PresentERs!

To view a short video of the presentation, https://kskyorinuac-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/jackie-talken_ks_kyorin-u_ac_jp/EUJ8mVLIbbpGvWqAMpZwdTsBqBy3h4FSxhX1C406e_Ejdw?e=KEPmWT

To join the Zoom session of PresentERs each month, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86937792669

To apply to present at an upcoming PresentERs, https://forms.gle/JBzfaCGTu2KERECi6

To subscribe to our YouTube channel with previous sessions of PresentERs, https://www.youtube.com/@ERSIGPresenters

If you have any questions, please email me anytime at ersigjalt@gmail.com