Greg Rouault

Hiroshima Shudo University


Greg Rouault is an Associate Professor at Hiroshima Shudo University. He has a Master of Applied Linguistics from Macquarie University and has taught EFL in Japan for over 20 years. His research interests include ER & reading literacy, business English, and experiential task-based learning with simulations. International publications have appeared in System, TESOL Quarterly, The Reading Matrix, and several Asian-based journals.


College and University Profiling learner habits and attitudes in online graded reading: A survey more

Thu, Aug 10, 16:15-16:50 Asia/Makassar

With little experience reading materials at their level, many university students in Japan have low self-efficacy and lack motivation. Subsequently, with poor comprehension, they read little and lack enjoyment in reading (Nuttall, 1996). After a one-semester introduction to online graded reading materials, a survey (N = 96) profiled baseline reading habits and captured learner self-beliefs and attitudes. Results revealed that students with limited proficiency and almost no previous experience with graded readers found online materials at the right level, 93% and 88% noticed improvements in their understanding and reading skills respectively, and 62.5% felt motivation to continue reading. Comments provided evidence of the metaknowledge learners gained about reading level-appropriate, graded content online. This interactive presentation also introduces the 14 principles for L2-reading curriculum design (Grabe & Stoller, 2020) as takeaways to examine how well reading activities align with these principles for core reading curriculum, reading skills development, and instructional design.

Greg Rouault

All levels Scholars speak out: Voices from the field (International) more

Tue, Aug 8, 14:15-14:50 Asia/Makassar

To promote the “extensive reading approach” worldwide, the Extensive Reading Foundation (ERF) invites teachers and scholars to apply for a scholarship in order to take part in the ERWC for their own professional development and for the future promotion of Extensive Reading in their home countries. This session features individual presentations by the 3 scholarship recipients from outside of Indonesia with an overview of the issues and challenges faced in their contexts followed by their plans for carrying forward in implementing & growing extensive reading.

Nguyen Thi Hong Ha Sibhekinkosi Anna Nkomo Havva Kurt Taşpınar Greg Rouault

All levels Scholars speak out: Voices from the field (Indonesia) more

Tue, Aug 8, 15:00-15:35 Asia/Makassar

To promote the “extensive reading approach” worldwide, the Extensive Reading Foundation (ERF) invites teachers and scholars to apply for a scholarship in order to take part in the ERWC for their own professional development and for the future promotion of Extensive Reading in their home countries. This session features an overview of extensive reading and the common issues and challenges in the Indonesian context followed by individual presentations by the 4 scholarship recipients on their plans for carrying forward in implementing & growing extensive reading.

Muhammad Ainur Rizqi Martini, M. Hum Yoh. Moses Songkares MAHBUDIN Greg Rouault