Francisca Maria Ivone


Francisca Maria Ivone teaches at the Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. She researches ELT, Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, Extensive Listening and Viewing, Extensive Reading, learning autonomy, and collaborative learning. During her language study and teaching years, she used and benefited from Extensive Reading (ER), Listening (EL), and Viewing (EV), as well as the use of technology in language teaching and learning. She now teaches ER classes and incorporates ER, EL, and EV programmes into her language skill courses. She also teaches technology in language teaching and learning and ELT courses.


All levels Embracing digital media: Strategies for better listening and viewing more

Tue, Aug 8, 11:30-12:20 Asia/Makassar

The digital age presents challenges and opportunities for extensive listening and extensive viewing as well. While traditional modes of listening and viewing have been replaced with digital platforms, they have opened up new avenues for learners to engage with materials in a more personalised and interactive way. For instance, audiobooks and podcasts offer a convenient way to access a wide range of content, while interactive videos with captions and subtitles can aid in language learning. In addition, learners can benefit from the collaborative and social aspects of digital media through online forums and social media groups. Educators and researchers need to consider how digital media can be leveraged to enhance extensive listening and viewing programs and promote engagement and comprehension. They should also examine the potential impact of digital media on listening and viewing habits and ensure that learners develop sustainable habits for long-term learning. This presentation will explore the benefits of digital media for extensive listening and viewing and provide examples of how they can be incorporated into learning programs. The speaker will draw on experiences from extensive listening and viewing programs in Indonesia to illustrate these points.

Francisca Maria Ivone

All levels Developing AI-Generated Branching Narratives for Extensive Reading more

Mon, Aug 7, 16:00-17:20 Asia/Makassar

The aim of this workshop is to equip EFL teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to write branching narratives for extensive reading activities using artificial intelligence (AI). The workshop will begin by providing an overview of what branching narratives are and how they can enhance the reading experience of EFL learners. Participants will then learn about the principles behind an AI-trained language model and how it can be used to generate coherent and engaging storylines. The workshop will guide participants through the process of creating their own branching narratives using an AI-trained language model, providing step-by-step instructions and practical tips. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a greater understanding of how to use an AI-trained language model to create immersive and engaging reading experiences for their students.

Francisca Maria Ivone

All levels ERWC6 Final Panel more

Thu, Aug 10, 17:00-17:50 Asia/Makassar

The plenary speakers will share their observations on the major concerns they noticed concerning the future of extensive reading and extensive listening. Time permitting, questions will be taken from the audience.

Doreen Ewert Francisca Maria Ivone Michael Lacey Freeman Willy A Renandya