
All levels Events Plenary

ERWC6 Final Panel

Thu, Aug 10, 17:00-17:50 Asia/Makassar

Location: Sanghyang 1

The plenary speakers will share their observations on the major concerns they noticed concerning the future of extensive reading and extensive listening. Time permitting, questions will be taken from the audience.

  • Doreen Ewert

    Doreen Ewert is Professor in the Department of Rhetoric & Language at the University of San Francisco, and Director of the Academic English for Multilingual Students Program. Her areas of research include SL/FL literacy development and assessment, vocabulary development, Extensive Reading, and fluency development.

  • Francisca Maria Ivone

    Francisca Maria Ivone teaches at the Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. She researches ELT, Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, Extensive Listening and Viewing, Extensive Reading, learning autonomy, and collaborative learning. During her language study and teaching years, she used and benefited from Extensive Reading (ER), Listening (EL), and Viewing (EV), as well as the use of technology in language teaching and learning. She now teaches ER classes and incorporates ER, EL, and EV programmes into her language skill courses. She also teaches technology in language teaching and learning and ELT courses.

  • Willy A Renandya

    Dr Willy A Renandya is a language teacher educator with extensive teaching experience in Asia. He currently teaches language education courses at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. He maintains an ELT website: Willy's ELT Corner that contains free resources for ELT professionals and researchers.