Muhammad Ainur Rizqi


Ainur is a language instructor at the Language Center of Universitas Tanjungpura Indonesia. He is interested in the ER approach after attending a Tom Rob's talk in 2017. Since then, he actively incorporates this program in his institution. Fully supported by the head of the language center, he collaborates with other English language lecturers at the university by involving thousands of students to read. What makes him very excited about this approach is the fact that most of these students basically have little or no experience in finishing English-written books. But today, it is common to see students read thirty to forty books in a semester.


All levels Scholars speak out: Voices from the field (Indonesia) more

Tue, Aug 8, 15:00-15:35 Asia/Makassar

To promote the “extensive reading approach” worldwide, the Extensive Reading Foundation (ERF) invites teachers and scholars to apply for a scholarship in order to take part in the ERWC for their own professional development and for the future promotion of Extensive Reading in their home countries. This session features an overview of extensive reading and the common issues and challenges in the Indonesian context followed by individual presentations by the 4 scholarship recipients on their plans for carrying forward in implementing & growing extensive reading.

Muhammad Ainur Rizqi Martini, M. Hum Yoh. Moses Songkares MAHBUDIN Greg Rouault