Sessions / Meeting

ERF affiliates meeting #3873

Wed, Aug 9, 16:15-16:50 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Silang Jana 1

In this session, all the ER Foundation affiliates (IERA, TEERA, MERA, PERC, TERA, Jalt-ERSig, JERA, PERC) will present their annual reports outlining their achievements in the past year and their plans for the coming year. The session is open to the public. Anyone interested in forming an Extensive reading association is welcome to come and network, ask questions and learn about the ERF Affiliate system.

ERF board meeting #3874

Wed, Aug 9, 17:00-17:35 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Silang Jana 1

This session will be the annual ERF Board meeting held to discuss ERF matters. The Chair of the ERF will host this session. An agenda for the meeting will be available to those attending. Anyone interested in the work of the ERF, such as grants, ERF affiliates, Mreader or the LLL award, may wish to attend. If time allows there may be Q&A.

ER publications: Getting involved #3892

Thu, Aug 10, 15:15-15:50 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Sanghyang 2

This is a meeting for anyone involved, or anyone who wants to become involved, in journals and newsletters about Extensive Reading. Reviewers, editors, copy editors, layout editors, and website managers. We will also discuss the Proceedings for the Extensive Reading World Congress.

ERF & Affiliate future events: Planning and discussion #3881

Thu, Aug 10, 16:15-16:50 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Silang Jana 3

This session is your chance to discuss future Extensive Reading Foundation events including ERWC7, other live events, webinars and online courses.