
All levels Writing Plenary

Writer to reader

Thu, Aug 10, 09:00-09:50 Asia/Makassar

Location: Grand Ballroom

When writing a story for language learners you enter into one of the most intimate relationships that a writer can have with a reader. This presentation will examine that relationship. How can the gap between reader and writer be bridged in order to make the reading journey as comfortable as possible? As a writer, you have to be with your readers at all times, anticipating parts of the road where they may stumble or fall. You have to extend a helping hand to help them during their journey. At the same time however, it is important that your fellow travellers do not see the hand you are extending. It has to be a real story. And with real stories you make the journey by yourself. You want readers to feel that that they have made the journey on their own, so they will come back next time, for another story.