Michael Lacey Freeman


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All levels First steps in story writing more

Wed, Aug 9, 09:45-11:05 Asia/Makassar

Are you interested in writing stories for your students? This workshop will take you through the first steps in writing your very own story. The aim of this workshop will be to address questions such as, how do you get the inspiration for a story? How should a story be structured? What do I have to do to make the story interesting for my students and other readers? How do I maintain a certain language level? At the end of the session each participant will come out with a plan for their story.

Michael Lacey Freeman

All levels Writer to reader more

Thu, Aug 10, 09:00-09:50 Asia/Makassar

When writing a story for language learners you enter into one of the most intimate relationships that a writer can have with a reader. This presentation will examine that relationship. How can the gap between reader and writer be bridged in order to make the reading journey as comfortable as possible? As a writer, you have to be with your readers at all times, anticipating parts of the road where they may stumble or fall. You have to extend a helping hand to help them during their journey. At the same time however, it is important that your fellow travellers do not see the hand you are extending. It has to be a real story. And with real stories you make the journey by yourself. You want readers to feel that that they have made the journey on their own, so they will come back next time, for another story.

Michael Lacey Freeman

All levels Extending the walls of the classrooms Across The Sky more

Wed, Aug 9, 15:15-15:50 Asia/Makassar

This presentation will talk about a new global project called, ‘Reading Across the Sky’. What began as a meeting between students and teachers from two countries rapidly spread to other parts of the globe. This is why we begin each meeting by looking at a map of the world so that the students realize that they are talking to their peers across the sky. At the time of writing, the last meeting involved students from ten countries. During the first meeting students listened to a pre-prepared story while in the most recent event it was the students themselves who proposed their own stories. Until now we have relied on simple word of mouth to expand the group, and this has been very effective. However, now we are thinking that participating in conferences would prove to be an excellent way of connecting with other like-minded teachers. The aim would be not only to expand our Across the Sky group, but also to create a template that other teachers can follow if they wish to create their own global read aloud project.

Nguyen Thi Phuong Dung Emi Fatmawati Michael Lacey Freeman

All levels ERWC6 Final Panel more

Thu, Aug 10, 17:00-17:50 Asia/Makassar

The plenary speakers will share their observations on the major concerns they noticed concerning the future of extensive reading and extensive listening. Time permitting, questions will be taken from the audience.

Doreen Ewert Francisca Maria Ivone Michael Lacey Freeman Willy A Renandya