Join the
Gala Dinner: 7pm August 8, 2023 at the Denpasar Aston Hotel
Reserve your place at the ERWC6 Gala Dinner. Great food, great entertainment and great company!
You must reserve in advance. Payment cannot be accepted at the door! Send $25 USD via https:// erwc6.eventbrite.com Reservations and cancellations accepted until fully subscribed.
Plenary Speakers
Doreen Ewert
Doreen Ewert is Professor in the Department of Rhetoric & Language at the University of San Francisco, and Director of Academic English for Multilingual Students Program. She also teaches in the MA TESOL Program at LCC International University in Lithuania. Her pedagogically-oriented research and writing focus on SL/FL literacy development, assessment, content-based instruction, and extensive reading.
Francisca Maria Ivone
Francisca Maria Ivone teaches at the Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. She researches ELT, Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, Extensive Listening and Viewing, Extensive Reading, learning autonomy, and collaborative learning. During her language study and teaching years, she used and benefited from Extensive Reading, Listening, and Viewing, as well as the use of technology in language teaching and learning.
Michael Lacey Freeman
Michael Lacey Freeman has been working in the field of ELT for over 30 years as a teacher and course book writer. He is also a storyteller and has travelled extensively around the world to spread the message that words are powerful. Twelve of his graded readers have been published, five of which have won ERF Language Learner Literature Awards.
Featured Speaker
Willy A Renandya
Dr. Willy A Renandya is a language teacher educator with extensive teaching experience in Asia. He currently teaches applied linguistics courses at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He has given more than 100 keynote presentations at international ELT conferences and has published extensively in the area of second language education.
Clara Listya Dewi, is Director of Engagement at BASAbali.org, an organization that focuses on strengthening physical and cultural environments through engaging the public in developing digital platforms. Dewi and her team developed a digital dictionary with three languages. BASAbali has developed a unique series of graphic trilingual novels (Balinese, Bahasa Indonesia and English) featuring a superheroine, Luh Ayu Manik Mas. The books offer language literacy, environmental and cultural literacy to children in an enjoyable way.
ERF World Congress 6
The Call for Papers closed on February 15th 2023 with announcements of acceptance to present sent out on March 31st 2023. People needing an early acceptance can request this at the time of submission.
More information about the Extensive Reading Foundation and the conference can be found at https://erfoundation.org/erwc6/.
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