Sessions / Reading Online

Embracing digital media: Strategies for better listening and viewing #3668

Tue, Aug 8, 11:30-12:20 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Grand Ballroom

The digital age presents challenges and opportunities for extensive listening and extensive viewing as well. While traditional modes of listening and viewing have been replaced with digital platforms, they have opened up new avenues for learners to engage with materials in a more personalised and interactive way. For instance, audiobooks and podcasts offer a convenient way to access a wide range of content, while interactive videos with captions and subtitles can aid in language learning. In addition, learners can benefit from the collaborative and social aspects of digital media through online forums and social media groups. Educators and researchers need to consider how digital media can be leveraged to enhance extensive listening and viewing programs and promote engagement and comprehension. They should also examine the potential impact of digital media on listening and viewing habits and ensure that learners develop sustainable habits for long-term learning. This presentation will explore the benefits of digital media for extensive listening and viewing and provide examples of how they can be incorporated into learning programs. The speaker will draw on experiences from extensive listening and viewing programs in Indonesia to illustrate these points.

Adoption of online extensive reading to facilitate rapid reading class #3752

Tue, Aug 8, 16:45-17:20 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Silang Jana 2

Reading skills textbooks are often inadequate in catering to the needs for students with various reading ability levels, content-related suitability, the and aims of the course. This research context involves 3rd year Japanese university English majors undertaking a 15 week Rapid Reading course. In order to address the related issues and course goals, an online reading system using the Xreading website was implemented as the core reading material, and included supplementary activities. Course evaluation was conducted by administering a Likert scale questionnaire and indicated positive results in terms of reading skills, vocabulary, satisfaction of reading materials in terms of genre, reading level and speed, and advantages in using features of the website. The presenter aims to highlight key features of the course, evaluation methods, questionnaire results, suitability, and practicality of the Xreading website from both the student’s and teacher’s perspective.

The Big ER Quiz #3847

Tue, Aug 8, 19:30-20:05 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Grand Ballroom

This session will be a fun quiz to test your knowledge about extensive reading, graded readers, people and so on surrounding our world. It will be conducted via Kahoot.

Integrated dictionary usage during online extensive reading #3770

Wed, Aug 9, 09:00-09:35 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Silang Jana 2

Reading strategies, particularly the ability to guess meaning from context, are valuable tools for developing vocabulary knowledge. The current research project, supported by a Japanese federal grant, is investigating how access to an integrated dictionary during ER affects learners’ usage of these reading strategies. First-year English majors use the ER application Xreading which now offers instructors the option of allowing learners to access glossary definitions while they read. At the start of the year, learners completed a survey of how often they use particular reading strategies. Using contextual clues and guessing meaning were among the strategies learners used most regularly. Pre- and post-tests were also given to determine how accurately they were able to guess meaning. Interestingly, results indicated that the experimental groups with access to the integrated dictionary showed greater gains in this ability. Later stages of this research will include replication, the addition of follow-up interviews, and the inclusion of non-English majors.

Xreading: What’s New and What’s Next #3673

Wed, Aug 9, 09:45-10:20 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Silang Jana 2

Xreading is digital library that gives students access to over a thousand graded readers from major publishers such as Cambridge University Press, Macmillan, and National Geographic/Cengage Learning. Students have unlimited access to all books as well as audio narrations, ratings, and quizzes. In addition, the system tracks students' reading progress (books read, words read, reading speed, quiz scores, etc.) so it makes management and assessment much easier for teachers. Since it’s launch is 2014, the system has been continuously evolving and growing in terms of the number of books and features. In this presentation, the founder of Xreading will explain the new functionality that has been added over the past year, and what is planned for the future. Current users of the system are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions based on their experience.

Cancelled An e-book extensive reading program applying the principle of competition #3691

Wed, Aug 9, 10:30-11:05 Asia/Makassar CANCELLED

This study was conducted to examine how EFL university students in Japan would be motivated in an e-book extensive reading (ER) program with the principle of competition. By the frequent distribution of an anonymous progress chart of the class on the word counts, the participants were encouraged to engage in ER on a virtual library website approximately for 30 minutes in class and 30 minutes outside class per week for one semester. The attached comprehension quizzes on the website were required to prevent cheating. They also spent half of the class time working on the textbooks designed for developing four skills of English language. Standardized online proficiency tests were given at the beginning and the end of the program. The results showed that the average reading score improved with statistical significance, which was equivalent to the increase in the estimated TOEIC reading score.

Online Graded Text Editor: A powerful, free tool supporting ER in the class #3701

Wed, Aug 9, 11:15-11:50 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Silang Jana 2

This presentation will introduce and demonstrate the Online Graded Text Editor (OGTE), a free, web-based tool developed by Dr. Charles Browne and Dr. Rob Waring to assist teachers doing extensive reading with turning ungraded webpages and content into student-friendly texts at just the right level. OGTE takes inspiration from previous well known tools made for researchers such as VocabProfile by Tom Cobb and AntWord Profiler by Laurence Anthony, but with an eye towards making the tool more user-friendly for practicing teachers and content developers. OGTE allows users to analyze and write texts utilizing a wide range of popular corpus-based vocabulary lists including the many lists from the NGSL Project, CEFR wordlists, Cambridge wordlists, the Oxford 3000 and the 20 levels used both at, the free extensive reading site developed by Dr. Browne and Dr. Waring as well as the Extensive Reader Foundation Graded Reader Level Scale.

ER Central: a free online reading website #3706

Thu, Aug 10, 10:30-11:05 Asia/Makassar | LOCATION: Sanghyang 2

This presentation will highlight the features on Extensive Reading Central. Extensive Reading Central ( is a free website for students and teachers that has thousands of texts at 20 different levels. Students can choose texts from the Reading Library or Listening Library as well as do Speed Reading. After sign-up, students take a placement test which suggests a level for them to select texts at. Students have the option of taking a quiz if they wish. Teachers can create an Institution account, classes and and bulk-register their students. This allows the teachers to track what the students have read and monitor their progress and then download these data is they wish, Students can also look up any unknown word and save them to their private learning environment. ERC works best on the browsers in tablets and computers. ERCentral also has a support area which contains many resources and advice for teachers.

Cancelled Examining Students' Reading attitude in L2 During Online Reading #3700

Thu, Aug 10, 11:15-11:50 Asia/Makassar CANCELLED

Online reading through mobile applications offers convenience, flexibility, and a quick link to other websites and is often more affordable than printed materials. However, the benefits of online reading are varied, which is why this study aims to examine the reading attitude of university students in a second language (L2) towards online reading during their English class. The study will help to bridge the gap by examining the L2 students' reading attitudes, specifically their attitudes towards reading through mobile applications. The study aims to identify variables such as comfort, anxiety, value, and self-perception in reading attitudes. Sixty undergraduate students who are taking English for Specific Purposes as a class that combines face-to-face meetings and an E-learning application will participate. The four variable categories (comfort, anxiety, value, and self-perception) will be measured using questionnaires scored on a Likert scale. The study's results will reveal the students' positive or negative feelings towards reading and their attitudes towards the four identified variables.

Cancelled ER in an electronic age #3737

Thu, Aug 10, 14:30-15:05 Asia/Makassar CANCELLED

There is a debate on whether to use Ebooks or print books for beginner readers. However, we can't turn a blind eye to the fact that generation Z are born with all kinds of devices and the convenience that the devices bring to human beings. The question is, how can we use devices for ER smartly rather than too much gamification of kids. This presentation will introduce how New Oriental School built up its online reading platform and uses "5 steps" to help beginners to read at home as well as being used together with offline English textbook class.

Cancelled Interactive strategies in online task-based English reading teaching #3758

Thu, Aug 10, 14:30-15:05 Asia/Makassar CANCELLED

This presentation explores the relationship between negotiation interaction and a task-based reading class, with a focus on identifying the main factors that influence learners' interaction in an online classroom setting. Through analyzing existing literature and research findings, the presentation highlights the importance of negotiation interaction for promoting effective learning outcomes. Based on this analysis, the presenter proposes several teaching strategies aimed at promoting effective interaction among online learners. These strategies include designing and selecting task types and content that are conducive to negotiation interaction, as well as enhancing learners' awareness and ability to engage in cooperative learning. Overall, this presentation will provide valuable insights into the factors that influence interaction in an online task-based reading class and offer practical strategies for promoting effective negotiation interaction among learners.

Cancelled Does ER using e-books affect foreign language speaking anxiety? A pilot study #3685

Thu, Aug 10, 15:15-15:50 Asia/Makassar CANCELLED

Extensive reading (ER) programs usually use physical books; however, e-books are gaining popularity due to their affordability, mobility, wider variety, and easy integration with apps and websites. In this presentation, ER using e-books will be compared to physical books, specifically the pros and cons of each. Next, as ER gives opportunities to improve vocabulary knowledge, this should help reduce this particular cause of speaking anxiety, as learners will learn and review vocabulary related to explaining plots, characters, and their opinions about books that they have read. Lastly, a pilot study will be discussed which examines foreign language speaking anxiety (FLSA) before and after an ER treatment for one semester, from April 2023 until July 2023 in seven intact university English conversation classes for first- and second-year students (N= ≅175) *. Their opinions about e-books and their FLSA will be surveyed before and after ER with a FLSA Likert survey.